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Healing Our Healthcare Heroes

Providing Healing & Support

Healthcare staff have been experiencing moral injury and high rates of burnout, and the retention of skilled staff has become increasingly crucial and challenging. The aftermath of the pandemic has placed additional burden on the healthcare teams and nursing staff that are already over-taxed and stretched thin. In gratitude for these efforts, 1440 Multiversity offers Healing Our Healthcare Heroes™ and Healing Our Nurses™ to care for the mental health and wellbeing to support these critically needed individuals.

Support Our Healthcare Teams

Burnout is rampant. Research indicates that 50% of healthcare staff is under stress and at risk for leaving the field. These programs, developed alongside nurses, doctors and administrators, are aimed at addressing these challenges. 


These healing programs are offered free to the participant, with funding coming from the generous support of healthcare systems and associations; foundation grants; and corporate and individual donors. Contact 1440 Multiversity at and join the growing list of supporters giving back to the care-giving community. 

Start Your Healing Journey

Healthcare systems and providers are invited to participate in this program. Healthcare systems can apply to send a cohort of 50-120 participants. Funding is to be provided to the healthcare system, foundations or private donors. Please contact for information on pricing.